Sunday 28 April 2013

A Million Dollars!

The other day, I was thinking about what it takes to give selflessly to others and the mechanics and motivations of generosity. The folllowing thought crossed my mind:  

Let's say there's a man who has a million dollars to spend on whatever he wants. So he decides to spend 50,000 Dollars on charity or buys a gift for someone close to him for this amount of money.

Then there is another man or woman who has 1000 Dollars to spend on whatever he or she wants. This person decides to spend 200 dollars on charity or buys a gift for someone close to him or her for this amount of money.

Now, if we do the math, the first person spent only 5% of their available disposable income on charitable giving, whilst the second person spent 20% of their disposable income.

So, who's the more generous one?

It's just a thought and a simple scenario at that, which I'm sure evokes many different views. I'm sure there are lots of different scenarios, however, it would be great to hear your thoughts, do you agree? or disagree?

Please Comment.

and remember........

Be Extraordinary, Because it's Bloody Boring Being Ordinary! 

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