How many times have you tried over and over again to do something (it could be anything from fixing something in the home or trying to resolve a technical problem with your phone or computer) only to find that it simply does not work no matter what you try? So eventually, you decide to just walk away from it all and try again another day. Then, you go back to the problem some time or some days later and suddenly you see a new perspective you missed before, you try it and, hey presto, you resolve the problem in no time at all!
So what happened during the time in-between? What changed the second time around that suddenly made your vision clearer and gave you a fresh perspective on the problem, which then enabled you to solve it? Apart from the regular explanations like 'the second time around your mind was fresher' or 'this time around, you had less urgent matters to deal with, so you were able to focus better', I personally think there are far more powerful forces quietly at work behind the scenes within your subconscious mind, which are not given the credit they deserve for enabling you to resolve the problem second time around. I believe, your subconscious mind is creating connections which you don’t know about J
I explain this phenomenon - and nobody can say that it hasn’t happened to them, because it happens to all of us - as my theory of 'Cloud Logic'. Yes readers, you heard it here first (or at least as applied to the functioning of the mind and Emotional Intelligence anyway).
Now in order to explain how 'Cloud Logic' works and how it helps you solve problems and learn unexpected things over time, we first must consider the essential workings of the mind. Here, we consider what is genearlly known by science today, and this is that the brain processes information by transmitting and distributing electrical and chemical signals across neurons which are essentially, specialized nerve cells transmitting impulses across neural networks. Such networks or groupings of neurons allow the connecting of disparate information where a suitable connection might exist or be feasible between the information (as I mention in another post, this is not too dissimilar to the workings of a relational database, in which related fields containing linked information creates networks that manipulate data; resulting in various outputs from the database; except that neural networks are infinitely faster, more efficient and more complex than any man made relational database - See my video on 'Relational Data Model of the Human Brain below). Thus, as the neurons make more networks and these networks connect to each other where feasible or logical connections exist, so the capability of the subconscious mind increases in being able to make decisions and learn about many varied and different subjects.
To envisage this on a practical level let us for example, say that you are experienced in wood carving. For many years, you have learned to feel the smooth curvature of wood forms and to 'see' with the touch of your hands, what feels like a beautiful sculpture to you, even before you start carving. You will have learnt to know how good quality a certain piece of wood is and how well you will be able to carve the form you want from it not only by looking at it, but just by the smell of it, or the color or the sound it makes when you tap it. In truth, you probably will not even be able to quantify exactly which of your senses were involved in making a decision about whether a piece of wood will 'work' for you. All you know is that you just 'know'. This is the essence of emotional intelligence, where critical decisions are made based on the neural connections and deep rooted networks created when the emotional centers of your brain are stimulated over time towards a certain subject or aspect. Now, this is in no way a conscious act; it lies purely in the realms of the subconscious mind.
Intelligence itself, by one definition, can be considered to be the ability of the mind to select between trillions of potential outcomes or possibilities, the one possibility that is optimal, a bit like a very complex and sophisticated difference engine or computer. But what separates us from computers is the aspect of emotional intelligence, whereby the neural networks of the emotional brain, lend the mental 'difference engine' a helping hand in actually deciding what actually defines 'optimal' in the first place. 'Optimal' is different for different people, so the mind, helped and guided by emotional intelligence, not only needs to decide which is the 'optimal' outcome it also needs to work out what 'optimal' actually means, without any external interference (as is the case with every computer available today which needs programming by an external operator, because unlike us, computers have no emotional intelligence capability, even the most sophisticated ones!).
Going back to the wood carver example, let us now say you, the wood carver, now decide to turn your attention to learning mathematics. Now this may seem a totally off-track subject for a wood carver to decide to learn, but let' say you have an interest and let's say that's just what you decided that you wanted to learn. Now unbeknownst to you, at your conscious level, you have already been doing complex mathematics for years in creating the curvatures and shapes of wood structures at a subconscious level. Through this ongoing subconscious process, the emotional centers of your mind will also be already accustomed to deciding the optimal outcome given trillions of possible outcomes using subconscious 'emotional' mathematics.
But the study of mathematics (at the beginning anyway) is all about procedure and following rules. How could a wood carver, who previously only followed 'instinctive' rules, now adjust to following structured, hard rules? This is where 'Cloud Logic' comes in. Based on the idea which I discussed earlier, that neural networks seek to form connections wherever it is feasible to do so, much like a relational database, all the wood carver has to do, is to continue to learn mathematics, even if it makes no sense at all whatsoever for quite some time and simply allow the neural connections in the subconscious / emotional mind to seek each other out and form by themselves. There is no more effort required other than a genuine interest in the subject and the ability of one's emotional and subconscious mind to make connections where they exist, which it does all the time anyway. In fact, if the wood carver were to leave it to the conscious mind to do this job, he or she would get nowhere and simply become frustrated. But if he or she decided to just learn and free the mind to take information as a free flow without impediment, then he or she will be able to do complex mathematics in no time. Even the person themselves will not realize where and how the connections exist between wood carving and mathematics, but surely, they do exist and will naturally form, given the opportunity to do so.
In this way, deep hidden connections exist between many different and disparate subject matters and because as people, we become conditioned by society to be 'typecast' in who we are and what our capabilities are, the vast majority of us completely miss the opportunity of experiencing the true wide range of potential experiences and learning which we could enjoy, if only we were to trust in the capabilities of our subconscious mind to take us wherever we want to go.
Thus, in my theory, which I call 'Cloud Logic' one could view the neural network as a cloud, much like a real rain cloud into which data and information is absorbed just as tiny moisture particles are absorbed by a rain cloud from the atmosphere. Now, in a real raincloud, these particles coalesce (or condense) to form droplets which, once they reach a critical mass, become too heavy to sustain by the cloud and so, they fall to the ground as rain drops. So it is with the brain! The brain's neural network processes the tiny 'packets' or 'particles' of data which are fed to it by the senses. The network automatically seeks connections between these packets of data and tries to make them coalesce wherever and whenever possible. When a critical mass of information is reached, which makes sense to the conscious mind, an output is created, just like the raincloud, hence the term ‘Cloud Logic’.
It is the core logic system of the brain that decides how and if, those connections should be made (This interestingly enough, could also be why we all see things differently and have differences in opinion, because after all, the core logic system is affected by our upbringing, environment and surroundings amongst other things) For now, the most important point is that we do not actually have to do anything to help the brain make those connections. The brain is automatically creating those connections without our conscious involvement in the process. Such is the power of subconscious ‘Cloud Logic’. Therefore, all we have to do is to trust our brain to make those connections and to feed the brain neural network with the raw data. The neural network ‘Cloud’ will do the rest. The process is working all the time, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for our entire lifetime and especially so during our sleep (see my post on dreams), when the core data sorting and processing is carried out by the network cloud (much like a computer running a batch process at night).
Therefore, going back to the task above, when you left the problem for a few hours or days, what you actually did was to allow the ‘Cloud’ in your mind to form ‘Logical Raindrops’ until a critical mass was reached, at which point, you went back and fixed the problem.
In our day to day modern lives which are full of information coming at us from all sides, not all of which provides tangible value to us in improving who we are, it is very important to remember to decide what exactly you are feeding your ‘cloud’ with. Is it junk information from the media or other sources which feed information to us randomly and indiscriminately, or do we choose selected information that enriches our lives, our minds and makes more educated individuals out of us? This is a question that only you can answer.
In this post I have tried to begin describing my theory and how it may work for you. I use the theory myself to great effect for language learning, yet I am absolutely convinced that it can be used for virtually any type of learning. I have seen it work and I am convinced that it can work for anybody who chooses to apply it!
Be Extraordinary, It's Bloody Boring Being Ordinary!
Here also is my video on the subject of speed learning:
Related articles and links:
This one is not too closely linked to my subject matter, but I found it absolutely fascinating as it explains what happens when you DON'T allow freedom of Emotional Intelligence:
Emotional Suppresion
This link provides an excellent explanation of the natural chemical tranmitters within the Human Brain:
Chemical Transmitters
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