Monday, 1 April 2013

The Link Between Modern and Ancient Languages - You know more languages than you think!

In this post, I would like to explore the hidden world of language and share my thoughts on how the mind processes language and the wider implications this may have on society and indeed the Human Race. So here are my thoughts:

Ever wondered how some people are able to pick up languages so very easily whilst some of us struggle to go beyond our mother tongue? Well believe it or not, the secret of how to learn a new language is hidden exactly within your mother tongue. How so?

Well, firstly, let us consider the fact that the most important part of language learning is knowing how to structure and construct sentences. Now, by logical inference, the basic rules of how to structure sentences come from the original rules of the derivative language. So for example, the rules of how to form a sentence in Modern English and the overall structure of Modern English comes from its derivative language or languages such as Latin (amongst others).

So when we say something in modern English, we are actually using a lot from the derivative structure of Latin. (I say a lot, because not all modern English is derived just from Latin).

Similarly, modern German belongs to the group of so-called Germanic languages that are descended from a common prehistoric ancestor referred to by linguists as “proto-Germanic”.  “Proto-Germanic” is itself a branch of the Indo-European family of languages that also includes the Celtic, Italic, Slavic, Albanian, Greek, Baltic, Armenian, Iranian, and Indic language groups which evolved from Old Indo-Aryan languages such as Sanskrit.

Knowing this, I recently carried out a brief analysis of how to say the same sentence in four different languages: Two of these languages have Latin origins (English and French) and two have old origins in Sanskrit (German and Hindi).

The four sentences shown here are exactly translated back into English in the order in which the words appear. The similarities in the structure of the sentences between English and French (Latin derivative) and Hindi and German (Indo Aryan derivative) are shown in parentheses (or brackets).

The Sentence in English is: "all of us are going home".

In French this is: Chacun d'entre nous (rentrent chez eux) – all of us are (going home)

In Hindi: Hum sub (ghar ja rehain) hain – We all (home going) are

In German: Wir sind alle nach (Hause gehen) – We are all (home going)

Here is another example using a comparison between English and French:

Consider the sentence, “I would like to drink some water”
In French this is “Je tiens à boire de l'eau". Translated word-for-word back to English, this literally says “I would like to drink some water”. Again you can see the structure of the sentence is exactly the same.

In both these cases, the structural similarities arise because the origins of the languages are matched.

Looking at how to say numbers also shows a remarkable result:

For example, the number Thirty five in French, is written as: Trente Cinq (Thirty followed by Five) which is the same structure as English;

In Hindi, we say Pen Tees (Five followed by Thirty) and in German we say Funf und Dreissig (Five and Thirty), which is the same Structure as Hindi.

Note the similarities in structure between the Latin Based languages (English and French) and the Sanskrit Based Languages (German and Hindi)

So, what does this mean for us? Well, the amazing thing is that if your mother tongue is Hindi, for example, you already have the structure of German (and many other languages with the same origins as Hindi), already pre-programmed in your subconscious mind. All you have to do is use the same structural architecture that you already know since childhood and apply it to any language you wish to learn that has the same origins. Conversely, if your mother tongue is German, you’ll be amazed at how easily you will be able to pick up Hindi or any of the other Sanskrit derived languages.

Similarly, If your mother tongue is English, you will already have the structure of many Latin based languages already in your mind and you’ll be able to speak, write and read the Latin based languages very easily. Essentially, this means that your Subconscious mind, knows many more languages than you think, linking different languages through the pre-programmed logical language structures of your brain.

Now, I’m not saying this is 100% accurate. There are, after all, many facets to learning and there are many more variables involved which influence how we learn or study new things. Nevertheless, the basic principles of neuro-linguistic programming definitely apply here and the logical inference is for sure, the prevalent important factor for us to appreciate and acknowledge here.

Now, how does this tie in with my theory of Cloud Logic? (See the linked video). In my theory, I say that whatever it is that you are trying to learn, don’t worry if you have absolutely no idea what it means. All you have to do is feed your mind with the desired information from all sources and just trust your subconscious mind to figure out the connections; the details; the meaning; the logic and the structure. In this way, using the pre-programmed logical structures of the subconscious mind, you can learn absolutely ANYTHING you want, without effort and much faster than conventional methods.

Returning back to the subject of languages, of course, many of us today are multi-lingual. For Example, Millions of people speak both Hindi and English very well and for some, both can be considered to be mother tongues.

As the world becomes more of a Global village, many of us will find it easier to learn an even wider range of languages, because as we learn more derivative (original) language structures through learning the modern language equivalents, our minds will increasingly find it easier to process such language structures in a progressive and exponential manner.

This is also why, the ability to speak multiple languages is considered to be a very powerful tool for lateral thinking. People who can, generally find themselves to be highly capable in other areas as well.  

When setting out to learn a new language try to seek the true origin of that language. If the origin of the language you wish to learn has the same originating language as your mother tongue, then it is very likely that you will already have the structure and formation of that language already pre-programmed in your mind from childhood. This means that, Apart from the structure, the only thing left will be the vocabulary. So, if the origins of your destination language match the origins of your mother tongue or derivative language, then you're onto a winner ;-)

Now just one more important consideration: What does all this mean for us as a race and a society? Well, what we see here, are the beginnings of mankind attaining a SuperSubConscious state of being, much like the telepathic “aliens” envisaged by so many science fiction writers, the underlying structure of which lies not only in language but also in everything that we do today that unites our combined and assimilated Super SubConscious minds.

I personally envisage the human race ultimately existing as a race of transient minds existing in a completely free state of being, connected only by pure thought and complete unrestrained understanding of all that is nature and the universe and indeed, of each other, but that's just me gettting heavy again.

Also, as a society, this means that our combined SuperSubConscious state of mind is progressively forming it’s initial structure to become something far, far bigger that what we are today, notwithstanding of course, that we survive our petty local conflicts, our natural greed and all the things that restrict us from moving from being just Human Beings to becoming Super Beings.  

So for now,

Bis Morgen (German)
Avjo (Gujurati)
A Bientot (French)
or in plain old English - until next time ;-)

Be Exraordinary, It's Bloody Boring Being Ordinary!


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